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OnLine Srvice

Plan workControl and Accounting Chamber St. PetersburgMore detailed
Audit resultsResults of control measuresMore detailed
LegislationRegulatory framework, federal and regional lawsMore detailed
Work ReportResults of activity The Control and Accounting Chamber of St. Petersburg for the yearMore detailed
Citizens' appealReception of electronic appeals of citizens, Schedule of personal reception in the Control and Accounting Chamber of St. PetersburgMore detailed
Dear friends! Welcome to the official website of the St. Petersburg's Control and Accounting Chamber - the body of external state financial control. Here you can find full information about our activities: regulatory framework, news, analysis of the city budget, results of inspections, work plan, guidelines and much more. The work of the chamber allows you to get objective information about the observance of financial discipline by participants in the budget process, the effectiveness of their work, identified violations of budget legislation.Chairman of the Control and Accounting Chamber of St. Petersburg K.G. Zheludkov
We are always in touch
Hotline phone number 8 (812) 640-45-22